“There was a lot of scepticism around SESAME when I joined almost 6 years ago. My philosophy is to concentrate on the budget and make the best possible use of the resources available. During my first year at university, programmable computers were just starting to emerge and I was learning how to program. I had limited resources but I learned you could do a lot if you concentrated on using what you had to the best. My experience at SESAME has changed me. I’d say I’m more optimistic now for the future generations of researchers. At SESAME, and now for BEATS, a very diverse set of people have been pulled together to find and implement solutions in a wide range of topics. People with different backgrounds and different cultures work out solutions in a different way. It’s a great exercise in keeping an open mind and questioning our actions, not just at work but for life in general. At SESAME, this exchange of views is extremely important. The facility is run with a small staff and the European projects expose them to the best in Europe. It’s not just about money: the human side, the knowledge transfer, the exchange of skills, methods and philosophy is in every way rewarding”

Giorgio Paolucci is a condensed matter physicist from Italy. He started working at the Sincrotrone Trieste in 1987, where he developed his expertise in building beamlines before taking on the position of Director of the Experimental Division in 2001. In 2014, he took up the position of Scientific Director of SESAME, an appointment he held until end 2019. Today, he is Chief Scientific Officer at Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste.