SESAME-Africa online workshop – 6 July

20 Jun 2022

The SESAME-Africa online workshop will take place on Wednesday, 6 July 2022.

This online event to promote cooperation between Africa, SESAME and European laboratories, and to enhance the access of the African user communities to the SESAME synchrotron in Jordan is organised by SESAME, the African Light Source (AfLS) and the HESEB & BEATS consortia. It will be hosted remotely by DESY.

The workshop targets African researchers from various scientific communities. It aims to increase the awareness and visibility of SESAME and its experimental capabilities at existing (Infrared, X-ray Absorption Spectroscopies, Powder Diffraction) and future beamlines (BEATS, HESEB).

The online workshop will address research needs and challenges in Africa, ranging from biomedical research and environmental science to cultural/natural heritage research and energy /materials sciences. At the workshop, relevant research highlights and analytical techniques at SESAME will be showcased, along with discussions on concrete research proposals and training opportunities at SESAME for African scientists.

For more information on the programme and to register for the online event, please visit the dedicated website.