ALBA is a third generation synchrotron facility constructed and managed by the consortium CELLS. It is public-body and non-profit organisation located near Barcelona (Spain), and currently with 200 employees. It includes a 3 GeV, low emittance storage ring with a nominal operational current of 250 mA.

The Cyprus Institute
The Cyprus Institute, founded in 2005, is a non-profit research and educational institution with scientific and technological focus. It consists of issue-oriented research centres which address challenging interdisciplinary questions both at the regional and international levels.
Leader WP7 - Data analysis and management

The “Stiftung Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron”, DESY, is one of the world's leading accelerator centres for the investigation of the structure of matter with approximately 2,300 employees and the most advanced scientific, technical and administrative infrastructures. DESY develops, operates, and uses complex accelerators, detectors and observatories for photon science, particle and astroparticle physics.
Leader WP2 - Sustainability

Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste SCpA is a multidisciplinary international laboratory of excellence, specialised in generating high quality synchrotron and free-electron laser light for scientific applications. Its mission is to promote cultural, social and economic growth through basic and applied research, technical and scientific training, transfer of technology and know-how.
The ELETTRA storage ring offers access to 26 beamlines with applications ranging from atomic and molecular physics, nanotechnology and life sciences.

The ESRF is one of the world's largest synchrotron science centres. Every year, 9000 scientists from 22 partner countries and from around the world travel to Grenoble, France, to use its extremely brilliant X-rays for leading-edge research. This fundamental and applied research often addresses how to better use resources, develop more sustainable materials or improve our daily lives.
Leader WP1 - Management

The Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare (INFN) is the Italian research agency dedicated to the study of the fundamental constituents of matter and the laws governing their behaviour. The Frascati National Laboratory (LNF) is the oldest and biggest INFN laboratory. LNF has a long-standing tradition in designing, building and operating high-energy particles accelerators but also in the use of synchrotron radiation.
Leader WP3 - X-ray source

The Paul Scherrer Institute, PSI, is the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences in Switzerland. It performs world-class research in three main subject areas: Matter and Material, Energy and the Environment, and Human Health. By conducting fundamental and applied research, PSI works on long-term solutions for major challenges facing society, industry and science.

SESAME (Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East) is a third-generation synchrotron light source that was officially opened in Allan, Jordan, in 2017. It is the Middle East's first major international research centre.
It is a cooperative venture by scientists and governments of the region set up on the model of CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research). It is being developed under the auspices of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) following the formal approval given for this by the Organization's Executive Board (164th session, May 2002).
Leader WP5 & WP6 - Beamline infrastructure, procurement, construction, assembly and commissioning.

SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre is located on the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. The SOLARIS synchrotron is the largest scientific research device in Poland and the first and only synchrotron light source in Central Europe. SOLARIS was built using the most modern technologies and following an innovative project designed by specialists from the Swedish MAXIV Laboratory.