BEATS appoints Gianluca Iori as beamline scientist

20 Jan 2020

The BEATS, BEAmline for Tomography at SESAME, project is happy to announce the recruitment of Gianluca Iori to the position of beamline scientist, starting on 15th January 2020.


“With his background in both mechanical engineering and as a user of synchrotron radiation for his research, Gianluca will be a great addition to the BEATS team, playing a crucial role in the construction and future orientation of this unique facility for the Middle East ”
Axel Kaprolat, BEATS Project Coordinator.

As BEATS beamline scientist at the SESAME synchrotron in Jordan, one of Gianluca’s first tasks will be to contribute to the writing of the Technical Design Report, to be finalised end January. He will be in charge of coordinating the construction of the beamline, as well as proposing and coordinating an in-house scientific programme in close collaboration with the BEATS partners and the SESAME Scientific Director.

For Gianluca, it is an exciting time with plenty of challenges ahead. It is his first experience of the Middle East but not of life abroad, having spent several months for placements in both Chilli and Germany. Gianluca speaks three languages on top of his native Italian. He is used to working in a multi-cultural environment and he finds great motivation in this opportunity to learn new skills and build SESAME’s fifth beamline from start to end.

“I’m extremely excited to be joining the BEATS project and SESAME synchrotron and I welcome the challenges that lie ahead. I’ve always been very curious of other cultures and other languages and I’m really looking forward to integrating this multi-cultural context and to help build this unique structure in Jordan”
Gianluca Iori when questioned about the appointment

Gianluca, who holds a Masters in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Bologna, recently graduated from the Technical University of Berlin and from the Berlin-Brandenburg School for Regenerative Therapies. His PhD studies concentrated on gaining a better understanding of the connection between bone microstructure and changes in bone strength.

From everyone on the BEATS project, we wish a very warm welcome to Gianluca and look forward to working together in the New Year.