
The BEATS project is coordinated by the ESRF.

Project coordinator
Axel Kaprolat

WP 1 – Management

WP1 ensures the efficient management of the BEATS project. It organises and follows up all administrative, legal and financial tasks related to the management of the Grant Agreement. It monitors the progress of the work and ensures that appropriate actions are taken within the six work packages, in collaboration with the work package leaders.

WP1 ensures the dissemination of the concepts and results of the BEATS project to the consortium members, the SESAME stakeholders, the user communities and the science policy makers.

Workpackage leader: Axel Kaprolat, ESRF

WP 2 – Sustainability

WP2 addresses the issue of sustainability of the tomography beamline and the SESAME facility.
The scientific case of the beamline will be fully developed to maximise the impact of the beamline in the regional context. This will influence and govern certain technical choices in the beamline technical design (see WP4). In parallel, the BEATS user community will be built up through the existing network of tomography users in Europe and via dedicated workshops among the SESAME Members.

The training of SESAME staff will build upon and complement the staff exchange actions which are conducted within OPEN SESAME (EU grant agreement 730943) and will cover all aspects related to the beamline design, procurement, construction, commissioning, and user operation of the beamline, thus providing a strong link to the technical work packages 3 – 7.
Funding opportunities need to be explored to secure the operation of the tomography beamline and to finance and operate further beamlines. This will include high-level discussions with the present Members to secure long-term funding and identification of new SESAME Members.
Major Deliverables comprise a report on the BEATS Scientific Case (M19) and a report on Funding and Stewardship Models for SESAME (M48).

Workpackage leader: Frank Lehner

WP 3 – X-ray source

WP3 will study the possibility of designing and building an X-ray source, based on either the concept of a super-bend, a classical multipole wiggler or a high-field wavelength shifter aiming at a significant increase in photon flux at higher photon energies with respect to a standard bending magnet source.
Work within WP3 will benefit design studies carried out at ALBA-CELLS and SOLARIS, since tomography beamlines are planned at both these facilities.
WP3 will also design and procure the Front-End, i.e. the part of the beamline which connects the storage ring (inside the storage ring tunnel) to the first equipment located in the experimental hall. Front-Ends are generic components, and the development of a prototype will serve further beamline projects at SESAME and likely elsewhere.
An important part of WP3’s activities is the off-line magnetic characterisation of the X-ray source assembly.
Major deliverables comprise the design reports on the Front-End layout and the X-ray source, together with the respective CFT ready specifications.

Workpackage leader: Andrea Ghigo

WP 4 – Beamline TDR, instrumentation procurement

WP4’s first task is the preparation of the Technical Design Report (TDR) laying out all the relevant technical details of the beamline. This TDR features chapters on the Optical Design (X-ray source and beam transport optics), end station design, beamline layout, control and specific data handling requirements, the resource estimate, and the Master schedule. Input for the TDR is required from WP2 in relation to the scientific case since for specific applications, specific instrumentation and software will be required. Input from WP3 is required in terms of the characteristics of the X-ray source.

Further important tasks constitute carrying out radio-protection calculations together with the establishment of comprehensive specifications for the design of the radio protection hutches as well as the detailed design of the beamline components. This mostly relates to scientific instrumentation which cannot be purchased “off-the-shelf” and therefore needs a high level of customisation.

Once these design-oriented tasks are completed, WP4 will turn to the procurement of the beamline components followed by the timely assembly of the individual beamline components and their characterisation. This will be achieved in close collaboration with the Procurement Advisory Board (PAB) and will build upon the database of suppliers established within WP2.

Major deliverables comprise the Technical Design Report, the specifications for the Radiation Protection Hutches and the follow-up of the delivery of the major beamlines components.

Workpackage leader: Axel Kaprolat

WP 5 – Beamline infrastructure, procurement and construction

WP5 is responsible for the timely procurement and delivery of the technical beamline infrastructure. This comprises the radio protection hutch structure and the required facilities such as electricity, air conditioning, fluids, and control cabling as well as the personnel safety system and the construction of the control cabins.

To fulfil its tasks, WP5 will closely interact with WP4 (elaboration of the technical specifications for the work within WP5 frame of the beamline Technical Design Report) and WP2 (consultation with the Procurement Advisory Board).

Work within WP 5 will be considered complete once the beamline infrastructure is fully installed and delivered. The final milestone is the successful radiation test of the empty radio-protection hutches, which marks the starting point for the assembly of the beamline components (see WP 6).

Workpackage leader: Andrea Lausi

WP 6 – Beamline assembly and commissioning

WP6 coordinates the assembly of the beamline and its commissioning at SESAME. As for all the other workpackages, there is a strong element of transfer of know-how and expertise from the European facilities to SESAME. Building upon actions within OPEN SESAME, it is specifically planned to train the SESAME tomography beamline staff at the partner facilities with a tomography programme and then, during the construction and commissioning of the beamline, have staff from European facilities (ALBA-CELLS, ELETTRA, ESRF, SOLARIS) come to SESAME to assist.

In the same spirit, SESAME staff training and support from the participating laboratories are foreseen in the following technical domains: alignment, assembly, and beamline control. It is therefore planned that, apart from European scientists, experienced technicians and engineers from the participating facilities will spend some time at SESAME to support the local staff in all aspects of the beamline commissioning.

The major milestones of WP6 will be reached shortly before the end of the project: commissioning of beamline optical end experimental components in months 45 and 46, respectively.

Workpackage leader:Gianluca Iori

WP 7 – Data analysis and management

WP7 deals with all aspects related to data acquisition systems, 3D tomography image reconstruction, data analysis, data management, archiving and policy as well as the computing infrastructure required to keep the future tomography beamline up and running.

In particular, WP7 focuses on customising the software applications being used at the ESRF for tomography data processing and defines the appropriate hardware resources to cope with the generated data in all phases, taking into account the resources already available at SESAME and The Cyprus Institute.  In order to have a fully operational beamline integrated with the SESAME global control and data acquisition systems as well as the detector readout, the best practices already in place at PSI will be followed.

Moreover, a SESAME data policy will be defined and endorsed and will not only apply to tomography data but also to all data generated from SESAME beamlines.

It is planned to use an existing web-based, knowledge-sharing platform for the relevant software, relying on standard good practices between collaborating software developers and maintainers.

Workpackage leader: Charalambos Chrysostomou